Chishiki-AI Research Summit

Research Summit
April 4th and 5th, 2024.
We are organizing a Research Summit on Crosscutting Research Needs for AI in Civil Engineering as a part of our NSF Strengthening Cyber Infrastructure Professional Ecosystem (SCIPE) Chishiki AI in Civil Engineering Program. The primary goal of the workshop is to identify common research gaps across AI algorithm developments, cyberinfrastructure needs, and civil engineering that may benefit from interdisciplinary research efforts. This research summit focuses on five theme areas: AI and Cyber Infrastructure in Construction Automation, Smart Cities, Sensing, Energy, and Natural Disasters. The workshop outputs will be disseminated as a white paper highlighting grand research challenges and pathways to AI in civil engineering.
The two-day workshop will be held April 4-5, 2024, in person at the Texas Advanced Computing Center - TACC, UT Austin, TX.
10505 Exploration Way, Austin, TX 78758
We request you to kindly arrange your accommodations near TACC. For a list of accommodations please refer to We will be fully reimbursing lodging charges for up to 3 nights with arrival planned for Wednesday, April 3rd and departure on Saturday, April 6, 2024. Please note that UT is state tax exempted.
We will reimburse you for your basic economy class airfare to and from Austin as well as ground transportation.
PLEASE NOTE: You are responsible for making your own travel and lodging arrangements, including airfare, ground transportation, etc.
We will offer coffee breaks and lunch on both days of the meeting. Please let me Krishna Kumar via email if you have any dietary requirements.
Please contact Robert Farmer with details regarding reimbursement as we need to register you in our UT system.
If you have questions about logistical details, please feel free to contact me via email at or my work phone +1 (512)-232-4406. I am pleased to assist with travel advice or special arrangements.